Tuesday 19 July 2011

Myfanwy Hart

Myfanwy Hart of Winifred Cottage, came to our Guild tonight to give a talk on 'The Embellisher'. She bought along several different makes and models for our members to try .

Jock was in charge of the 'shop'.

 Here's two of our members experimenting.
 At our Regional Day, one of our YE got the visitors choice award.  She came along tonight to collect her prize and cup.
 At the Linda Miller workshop on Saturday, Dot happened to mention that she had been on a course with Linda before and had made some panels.  We asked if she would bring it to our meeting tonight for everyone to see and- VOILA!!  That panel and the two ends are all machine stitched!!!!!
All that stitchin'!
Everyone who was on the workshop bought their work along for our members to see what they had been up to.


artymess said...

I want to join your guild .looks like you have such a great time ...xx

Diane Kelsey said...

Dot is so creative and modest too!

Anonymous said...

It was a lovely evening, Sharne. I'm so pleased so many gave it a try! Let me know what you do with the vegetarian silk! The M25 was down to a single lane in many places on the way home. The journey was slow - but gave us a chance to relax so it wasn't a problem.