Saturday 24 April 2010

E G Workshop;0)

I am very lucky to belong to such a thriving Embroiderers' Guild, we have over 80 members which means that we get some very good speakers and workshops.
Today was no exception. I signed up for this workshop with Elisabeth Rutt, not really knowing what we were going to do except use plastic. What great fun we had! The sounds of excitement, bought a male member of the public to our door to see what we were up to!
Elisabeth has been working with plastic for the last ten years and bought many samples to share with us as well as some of her gorgeous work.
As you can see by the photo's we were very busy, experimenting to see which plastics worked and then combining plastics and adding colour. When it came to the show and tell at the end of the day, we had plenty of work to admire. Some members had even started to make panels an were ready to start adding stitch.

This is my pile of samples, but alas I shan't be doing anything with them for the moment. The art course is keeping me very busy, 3 postings of work to do this week. I am still doing Mondays exercises, I am not sure when I will catch up.

I have started work on the RRC fabric and used my new sewing machine at last!! I hope to finish stitching it tomorrow.

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