Monday 21 December 2009

I enjoyed the party Saturday night, catching up with lots of friends that I hadn't seen for some time.
The Carols by Candlelight was very well attended last night, I don't know how everyone squeezed into the Church after the singing to get their mulled wine, hot chocolate and a mince pie. I love going to this service, a lovely atmosphere and it is the only time I get to sing traditional Carols. I made three batches of mulled wine and still more was needed but the Church didnt have anymore red wine for me to use. It is the most people they have ever had, so next year they will be getting in a lot more wine for me to use. In between visiting friends and having visitors myself, I have decorated a few jars of pickle to give away. I have also being making a present to send to a friend, but it has not gone according to plan, so where I was hoping to get in the post this morning, it will now have to be first post tomorrow. ( I tried using my soldering iron without wearing my glasses,I had put them down somewhere. I only wanted to make 1 little hole. I did, but in the wrong place! So have had to re-make it!) I will post photo's once I know she has received it.

The fabric on my pickle jars is some that I got from Carolyn's give-away, lovely snowy fabric.

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